Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

Camp Oversight Committee Meeting with Mayor of Tichy Potok July 13, 2002

Mayor (Starosta) Lubica Dzuganova of the Rusyn village of Tichy Potok, Slovakia visited Camp Nazareth on July 13th to Meet with the Camp Oversight Committee, observe construction progress on the new Ss. Cyril and Methodios Church and Heritage Center and tour the camp facilities. While there, she presented Church representatives with a symbolic package of earth from her village for use by Metropolitan Nicholas during the coming Cornerstone Blessing ceremony. She also signed an agreement whereby the Village would produce the hand made wooden shingles which will cover the new Church roof and cupolas. During design research for the building in June 2000, she and Michaela Svenkova of Trnava traveled with Attorney Michael Ristvey and Architect Joe Parimucha and their wives, plus her Rusyn-American sponsor Professor John Biros and Carpatho-Rusyn Society officer Professor Walter Orange to visit a variety of hand made wooden churches in the Spis Region near Svidnik and Bardejov in Northeastern Slovakia. In early July she introduced Joe Parimucha, his wife Barbara and cousin Michaela to the village craftsmen who would produce the shingles, iron workers familiar with crafting the traditional Orthodox crosses for the top of each cupola, wood carvers capable of carving necessary interior furnishings and a variety of local artisans interested in producing traditional weaving for the Camp gift shop. In the past, St. John's Church of Sharon raised and contributed funds for a new computer for the Village school plus programs and training for both students and villagers interested in using the Internet. Unfortunately, Mayor Lubica must return to Tichy Potok before our Cornerstone Blessing in August but hopes to be here for the formal blessing of the completed Church and Heritage Center in 2003. This personal link between Camp Nazareth and our Rusyn ethnic roots is a major enhancement of the stated objective of our new church:"for the future of our Faith and Heritage". Mayor (Starosta) Lubica's visit and commitment to Camp Nazareth and our new construction project is deeply appreciated by all.
Mayor Dzuganova and committee at the Heritage Center entrance.
Mayor Dzuganova presents symbolic gift of Tichy Potok village soil.
Sharon Winkler presents Mayor Dzuganova with a Camp Nazareth coloring book.
Mayor Dzuganova signs an agreement for her village's production of the wooden shingles for the church roof.
Camp Oversight Committee reviews plans for the proposed church iconostasis.
Mayor Dzuganova and Camp Oversite Committee at The Radick Memorial