Diocesan Photo Gallery

Photo Galleries of the Various Institutions and Ministries of the Diocese

December 13, 2002

The Annual Retreat Began With The Celebration of Daily Vespers In The Seminary Chapel of The Three Holy Hierarchs.
The Assembled Readers, Deacons and Sub-deacons Sang the Responses to the Vespers Service in the Traditional Plain Chant With Much Beauty and Intensity.
Father Peter Paproski, Pastor of St. John The Baptist Church, Stratford, CT (Broadbridge Avenue) Was Appointed By His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, Retreat Master.
Retreatants Listen Intently To A Presentation Given on the Retreat Theme The Sanctification of Time - An Essential Diakonia
Retreat Participants Share Insights Regarding Their Ministry in the Church During Free Time in the Seminary Dining Hall. Note the Newly Installed Icons In The Dining Hall.