2015 ACRY Bowling Tournament Update (Revised 5/19/15)

JOHNSTOWN, PA --  [National ACRY] - It's hard to believe that the ACRY Bowling Tournament is less than a week away!  Final plans are taking place and St John's Church Chapter 23 of Stratford, CT  looks forward to seeing many Diocesan faithful over Memorial Day Weekend.  Join in the fun Friday night at St. John's Church (600 Silver Lane, Stratford, CT) to relax and start the weekend off with fellowship, food, and a campfire with smores.

Click to download schedule of the complete weekend activities  (Updated 5/19/15).  Saturday night is baseball night - so those attending are encouraged to wear their  favorite team or player Jersey! 

Please note, the schedule has been slightly adjusted as follows:

  • Saturday Vespers will also include time for Confessions
  • Monday's Panahida will start at 9 am (instead of 9:30 as previously noted)

There is still room on the cruise on Sunday afternoon. If you are not bowling and would like to enjoy an trip on the water touring the Thimble Islands off of CT's coastline, contact Carole Krochta (cwkrochta@optonline.net) or see her on Friday night at the Social at St. John's Church grounds.

Anyone going on the cruise should bring suntan lotion if you plan on sitting on the upper deck (it is not covered)

The weather forecast is looking good! Highs between 68 and 75. Lows at night between 44 and 57.

Click Here for directions to St. John's Church, the bowling lanes and the cemetery which include addresses as well.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact Pete and Debbie Samilenko at 203- 876-7660 or samilenkod@gmail.com. Looking forward to seeing everyone in a few days!

Addresses for all locations are included on the schedule so that you can plug them into your GPS prior to getting on the road.

Drive safely and remember that Connecticut roads are Hands-Free (it's illegal for the driver to text/talk on phone).