Bishop Gregory Addresses Pittsburgh Orthodox Young Adults

JOHNSTOWN, PA  [Diocesan Chancery] -- His Grace, Bishop Gregory was the featured speaker at the first "Orthodoxy on Tap" sponsored by the Pittsburgh Orthodox Young Adults (POYA) on Sunday evening, March 6 at the Sharp Edge Beer Emporium. "Orthodoxy on Tap" is a national program in which the Church seeks to engage its young adults in a venue outside of the church building where young people typically gather: usually an upscale pub or restaurant. Along with appetizers and beverages, the feature is a talk and discussion by a bishop, priest or theologian on a topic of concern to the young adults.

Bishop Gregory addressed a gathering of nearly 50 young adults ages 21-40 from a multitude of Orthodox jurisdictions. He invited the group to consider the question of "Who am I?" What do I do? Where do I find my identity? He encouraged the young adults, many in professional careers throughout the Pittsburgh region, to consider what it means to be a person of integrity in their chosen profession; what it means to be an Orthodox Christian nurse, doctor, accountant, pharmacist, financial planner, factory worker. There was a lively discussion with His Grace and much informal dialogue with him throughout the evening.

The Pittsburgh Orthodox Young Adults (POYA) was organized in 2015 to unite the regions post-college members in educational, social, and service projects. Along with "Orthodoxy on Tap" programs to be scheduled several times throughout the year, the group has made a Christmas visit to a nursing home and will assist in a Syrian relief fundraiser in April. Spiritual advisors for the group are Fr. Stevo Rocknage of the Serbian Orthodox Diocese and Father Edward Pehanich of St. Nicholas Church in Monongahela/Jacobs Creek.

For more information visit the POYA Facebook page.