5th Publication of the SPF50 Family Scripture Reading Ministry Has Just Been Released!

Friday, January 1, 2021

JOHNSTOWN, PA -- [Diocesan Chancery] -- We are pleased to announce that SPF50 Family Scripture Reading Ministry has just released the  fifth edition of SPF50.  The reading schedule will begin on January 10, 2021

We are excited for the NEW reading program in the fifth edition!!  The NEW reading program will highlight many ESSENTIAL Biblical Stories like Creation, Noah and the Ark, the Exodus, the call of the Prophet Samuel, and many others throughout the Old and New Testaments.

In addition, in order to support families and parishes engaged in the SPF50 Ministry, we will be hosting an online event for parents across the Diocese on Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 6:30pm.  The online event is being offered to support and encourage us as we make prayer and Scripture reading a part of our family’s life of faith at home.  Join other parents around the Diocese as we simply talk with one another and share our experiences with each other.  The online event is free-of-charge.  You can sign up for the event at the following link:  SPF50 Parents Event.  Signing up is quick and easy.

If you haven’t joined SPF50 yet, the new year is a great time to start!  Make a commitment to reading Scripture and praying together with your family.  Even the busiest of families can make a commitment to read from the Bible and pray together for 50 minutes a month.  Don’t forget to fill out the Commitment Card which is available in the SPF50 Section of the Diocesan Website, and then return the Card to your parish priest.