Learn The Hymns of The Triodion and St. Basil Liturgy

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

JOHNSTOWN, PA  [Diocesan Chancery] --  The Diocesan Chancery is pleased to announce that a helpful resource for our Diocesan  faithful and Cantors has just been released.

An audio recording of the beautiful and somewhat complex plain chant melodies of  the Lenten Triodion period and the Anaphora Hymns of the Saint Basil Liturgy is now  posted on our Diocesan website.

Click Here To Listen and Learn  the Hymns of the Triodion and St. Basil's Liturgy 

The music can be found in the Diocesan Liturgical Guidebook compiled by Protopresbyter Frank Miloro and  the Diocesan " Blue Book"  Plain Chant Book.

Click Here To  Listen and Learn Other Plain Chant Hymns