News & Events - 2023
Showing 16 - 20 of 26 Articles | Page 4 of 6
Archpastoral Letter For Pascha 2023
On this great and glorious Feast of Pascha – the Resurrection of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, our hearts are filled with tremendous joy, our souls are transformed and we bask in the Light of Truth. This year I want to share with you an excerpt from an inspiring, uplifting and brilliant homily of our Father among the Saints, Gregory of Nyssa. The reign of life has begun, the tyranny of death is ended. A new birth has taken place, a new life has come, a new order of existence has appeared, our very nature has been transformed! This birth is not brought about by human generation, by the will of man, or by the desire of the flesh, but by God.
Diocesan Parishes Invited To Submit Holy Week and Pascha Photos!
JOHNSTOWN, PA -- Diocesan Parishes are cordially invited to submit via email up to 3 photos of this year's Holy week and Paschal services for inclusion in a special photo gallery, Pascha throughout the Diocese.
It is asked that parishes avoid sending low resolution cell phone camera quality photos as they may also be included in The Church Messenger
Schedule of His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory For April - May 2023
JOHNSTOWN, PA -- [Diocesan Chancery] The schedule of His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory of Nyssa for April and May 2023 has been released by the Diocesan Chancery and is as follows:
Lenten Psalm Reading Guide Issued
Johnstown, PA - [Diocesan Chancery] - The 2023 Lenten Psalm Reading Guide is now available for download on the Diocesan Website which will enable the faithful to read the entire Book of Psalms during the Lenten Season.
The Book of Psalms (Psalter) has been called the prayerbook of the Church. In the Eastern Orthodox liturgical tradition, the Psalter is divided into 20 sections called kathisma; each kathisma is divided into three sections called stasis. In monasteries, all 150 Psalms are read each week during most of the year, and twice a week during the Great Fast!
2023 Lenten Retreat Schedule Released
JOHNSTOWN, PA [Diocesan Chancery] -- His Eminence Metropolitan Gregory is pleased to announce that, this year, we will resume our Diocesan in-person regional Lenten Retreat Program. The dates and preliminary details for the upcoming Lenten Retreats are as follows:
Central Lenten Regional Retreat - Sat March 19, 2022 - St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Homestead, PA. Adult Retreat Master is Fr. Stephen Loposky. Deadline for Registration is March 12, 2022.
Eastern Regional Lenten Retreat (co-sponsored by the Ukrainian Orthodox Youth League) - Sat April 2, 2022 - St Francis Center For Renewal, Bethlehem, PA - Adult Retreat Master is Fr. Anthony Perkins. Theme: Jesus Remember Me When You Come Into Your Kingdom: The Services of Holy Week. Registration Deadline: March 22, 2022.
Western Region Retreat - Sat April 2, 2022 - Chicago Deanery. More details to follow.
Showing 16 - 20 of 26 Articles | Page 4 of 6