Junior ACRY to Celebrate Silver Anniversary
May 4, 2008
JOHNSTOWN, PA - The Junior ACRY will celebrate the 25th Anniversary of its establishment at the annual Weekend Encounter at Camp Nazareth, November 7-9, 2008.
The 25th Anniversary Committee is currently collecting information from past officers and members to make the 25th celebration the best it can be. All past officers of the National Jr. ACRY are asked to kindly contact Rachel Pribish, Immediate Past Jr. ACRY President, via email at: rprib@stnicholasnj.net
Please put Jr. ACRY in the subject line and include in the body of the email the office(s) and year(s) held along with up to date address and contact information.
More information will be released soon, and sent to churches throughout the diocese. Any one who like to be contacted directly with the most up to date information regarding the anniversary celebration or would like to help in any aspect of the planning, please contact Rachel Pribish at rprib@stnicholasnj.net
Junior ACRY members are kindly asked to complete a special survey form to assist with the planning of the Anniversary celebration.
Download Anniversary Planning Survey (PDF Format)
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