New Christmas/Theophany Eve Service Books
December 1, 2004
JOHNSTOWN, PA Newly updated Nativity and Theophany Eve Service Books are now available for sale. Orders are now being accepted by the Diocesan Chancery with advance payment required. You may choose the following items:
Nativity Vigil Service (Pew Book) - $3.00 each.
(Minimum of 20 Copies must be ordered)
Nativity Vigil Service (Cantor's Book) $5.00 each.
Theophany Vigil Service (Pew Book) - $3.00 each
(Minimum of 20 Copies must be ordered)
Theophany Vigil Service (Cantor's Book) -$5.00 each
To Order Make Check Payable and Send To:
Liturgical Publications
312 Garfield Street
Johnstown, PA 15906
Please be sure to include name of parish and shipping address.