2009 Summer Youth Pilgrimage

July 27, 2009

JOHNSTOWN, PA   All diocesan youth and their friends ages 8-22 are invited to take part in the annual Summer Youth Pilgrimage at Camp Nazareth from Friday August 21 to Sunday August 23, 2009.  This year the Icon of the Smolensk Mother of God from Rahway, New Jersey will arrive at the Pilgrimage.  

The Icon's story of how it arrived in New Jersey and it's presence in the Church is sure to encourage discussion and reflection when we compare its journey to our own struggles and triumphs.  Come and see!

On Saturday we will travel to the Saint Luke the Evangelist and Physician Chapel in the Polk Center where we will pray the Moleben to Saint Nectarios for the Center's residents.

 On Sunday we will join His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas for the Diocesan Summer Pilgrimage 


Friday 21st                

6 pm Fellowship dinner

7pm Discussion surrounding the Smolensk Icon of the  Mother of God

9 pm Compline and Confessions

Saturday  22nd         

9am  Divine Liturgy

10:30 Brunch

12:30  Visit to the Polk Center & Saint Nectarios Moleben

3pm    Free time at Camp Nazareth, Supper & Vespers

8pm   Campfire

 Sunday  23rd             

10:00 am  Hierarchical Divine Liturgy

 A $50 registration fee covers all meals, lodging and transportation to the Polk Center.  Registration fees should be sent  by August 17, 2009  to:

211 West Grand Ave.
Rahway, NJ  07065 .

For additional information on the Pilgrimage, please contact  Andrew Fetchin at(732) 382-8844 or at frandrew@comcast.net

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