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Encounter 2010
From November 12-14, 2010, the National Jr. ACRY sponsored its annual Fall Youth Encounter at Camp Nazareth in Mercer, PA. There were around 40 people in attendance. Highlights included ethnic singing, a football game, and clergy presentations. The Encounter concluded with the celebration of the Divine Liturgy Sunday morning. The following photos, courtesy of Mark Sudik and Fr. Miles Zdinak, show scenes from the Encounter.


Don't crush them, Mike!

Annie, Joshua, and Sammy work at the snack counter

Maria teaching the words to the ACRY March

Can the guys outsing the girls?

Recording the March

Many enjoyed a game of football Saturday afternoon

On the sidelines

All enjoyed the Saturday night dance

Subdeacon Will leads the responses to the Sunday morning Divine Liturgy

Adam reads the Epistle

"Receive the Body of Christ!" Fr. Miles distributes Holy Communion

"O God, save Your people and bless Your inheritance!"

"Christ is in our Midst!"

The participants of Encounter 2010