Stewardship Commission Meets in Johnstown
JOHNSTOWN, PA -- The fall meeting of our Diocesan Stewardship Commission was held at the chancery offices in Johnstown, PA, hosted by the Very Reverend Protopresbyter Father Frank Miloro, Chancellor, on Wednesday, November 9, 2011. All of the commission members, Father Frederick Watson (chairman), Father Basil Aden, Deacon Steve Hall, John Bilanin (diocesan trustee) and Stephanie Betsa were present for the meeting.
The morning session included reports and evaluations on the activities of the Commission during the second half of the 2010-2011 ‘Year of Stewardship Education.’ During the spring and summer of 2011, members of the Commission participated in presentations at the following venues:
- Eastern (Valley Forge, PA) and Western (Chicago area) regional Lenten Retreats sponsored by the National ACRY.
Teaching Stewardship to the Laity was presented by Stephanie Betsa at Sunday visits to ten of our diocesan parishes, including the Cathedral parish, during coffee hour following the Divine Liturgy. Parishes interested in learning more about Orthodox Stewardship through this program are encouraged to send their requests to the Commission at
Programs introducing stewardship to young people were presented for the first time this summer to our campers of all ages during each or our three diocesan camping weeks at Camp Nazareth. Hopefully each returned home with pledges of service to their local parish and community.
Articles on Orthodox Stewardship in each issue of The Church Messenger.
Materials on Stewardship continue to be available on our diocesan website at
At its afternoon session, the Commission committed to prepare and distribute additional resources to assist parishes interested in transitioning from the traditional ‘dues system’ into a more equitable system of Proportional Giving as presented by Father Basil Aden at our most recent Diocesan Council/Sobor. This work was originally initiated at the request of +His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas of blessed memory, and is ongoing. The upcoming package, entitled Parish Resource II: Implementing Stewardship in the Parish, is scheduled for distribution to the parishes early in 2012. It will include sections on the history of the ‘Dues System’ currently in use by many parishes, as well as on the Biblical principals of Proportional Giving. Also included will be a case study of an established diocesan parish that has successfully made the transition.
The Commission committed to extend its educational initiatives into the coming year, and will continue to offer programs on ‘Stewardship – A Way of Life’ at the parish, deanery and diocesan levels.