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Sunday of Orthodoxy At Christ The Saviour Cathedral
On Sunday, March 9, 2014, His Grace Bishop Gregory led the faithful of Christ the Saviour Cathedral in the celebration of Divine Liturgy and Vespers for the Sunday of Orthodoxy.
The cathedral celebration included a procession with icons prior to Divine Liturgy by the Cathedral children, and Pan-Orthodox Vespers at 3:00 pm, with clergy from the Johnstown Deanery and area Orthodox Churches.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory was the homilist at Vespers.
Watch Video Reflection By Bishop Gregory on the Sunday of Orthodoxy: www.acrod.org/consecration/bishopmultimedia/4912/orth-sunday
Watch Bishop Gregory's Homily at The Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers:
Photos are courtesy of Nicholas Bocher.
The cathedral celebration included a procession with icons prior to Divine Liturgy by the Cathedral children, and Pan-Orthodox Vespers at 3:00 pm, with clergy from the Johnstown Deanery and area Orthodox Churches.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory was the homilist at Vespers.
Watch Video Reflection By Bishop Gregory on the Sunday of Orthodoxy: www.acrod.org/consecration/bishopmultimedia/4912/orth-sunday
Watch Bishop Gregory's Homily at The Sunday of Orthodoxy Vespers:
Photos are courtesy of Nicholas Bocher.

The children process into the Church with Icons before Divine Liturgy.

Children participating in the procession with Icons.

Even the youngest child carried their favorite icon.

The youth sat together during Liturgy.

Standing at attention with their favorite icon.

Cathedral Dean, Fr. Robert Buczak censes the icons held by the cathedral Children.

Cathedral children with their icons.

"We venerate your most pure Icon, O Good One..." - The procession with icons at the afternoon Vespers Service.

Diocesan Chancellor Fr. Frank Miloro with His Grace, Bishop Gregory
during the Vespers procession.
during the Vespers procession.

"This is the Faith of the Orthodox...." The Reading of the Synodikon.

A Pan-Orthodox Choir under the direction of Reader Andrew Talarovich sang the responses to the Vespers Service.