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2014 Central Regional Lenten Retreat - Homestead, PA (3/29/14)
On Saturday, March 29, 2014, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church of Homestead, PA was the host of the Annual Central Regional Diocesan Lenten Retreat. The retreat drew a record number of attendees - more than 160 youth, young adults and children.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory was the adult retreat master and spoke on the topic, "Repentance and Confession." Fr. Matthew Stagon led the youth in attendance in an interactive discussion on the topic: "Have You Thought About Your Baptism Today?"
The day began with the celebration of All Souls Saturday Liturgy and ended with Great Vespers. The attendees were the recipients of the gracious hospitality of the St Nicholas Parish Community who provided continental breakfast and a delicious lenten luncheon.
Posted photos are courtesy of Stephen and John Fucsko.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory was the adult retreat master and spoke on the topic, "Repentance and Confession." Fr. Matthew Stagon led the youth in attendance in an interactive discussion on the topic: "Have You Thought About Your Baptism Today?"
The day began with the celebration of All Souls Saturday Liturgy and ended with Great Vespers. The attendees were the recipients of the gracious hospitality of the St Nicholas Parish Community who provided continental breakfast and a delicious lenten luncheon.
Posted photos are courtesy of Stephen and John Fucsko.

National ACRY Lenten Retreat, Homestead, PA 3-29-14

Bishop Gregory delivering his keynote presentation on Repentance and Confession.

His Grace engages the participation of the faithful in attendance.

The children are shown taking up their crosses they made. They learned that St. Cyril and Methodius needed a word for baptism they chose krescennija from the root word Cross. When thinking about baptism we should be reminded to take up our cross in life.

Bishop Gregory prepares to bless the luncheon buffet.

"Christ Our God Bless the Food and Drink of Your Servants...."

All enjoyed the delicious buffet.