Ektenia for the Environment 2004
PRIEST: Furthermore, we pray to You, Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth, Whose grace is everywhere within and without all of Creation, Who determined each creature in the counsels of Your Holy Will before time began, Who created all things by the Son in the Holy Spirit, Who made all things exist in each other, holding together in the power of Christ : look down with mercy upon Your handiwork in the world that You love. Though this beautiful world was made for Paradise and prepared for the Church, we children of the First Adam have disfigured it by the pollution of our sin. We were set on this earth to unite it to You in Paradise, but instead, where grace should have reigned, we have opened an abyss of darkness and decay. But You have so loved the world that You gave Your Only-Begotten Son, the Second Adam, through Whom all that is broken may be mended, all that is polluted may be cleansed, and all that is disfigured may be fashioned anew. Save this earth, O Lord, and renew it through our hands. Through the mystical Body of Your Son, re-unite this world to the grace of Paradise. For all Your manifold works in this beautiful world, O Lord, hear us and have mercy.
ALL: Lord Have Mercy (3)
PRIEST: Furthermore, we pray to You, Maker of all worlds, visible and invisible, that You change our hearts to charity for the whole of creation. We know that all creation awaits the glory that will be revealed in man: but until that Day, turn our intentions toward love for Your works. Fill us with compassion for every creature, and thus call us back to our first vocation as stewards in this world. Soften our hearts that we pity the weak and the suffering, of all Your creatures great and small. Move us onward toward union with You, and on our way, let us leave no creature behind, but gather all Your works so that creation may once again be transfigured by grace. Inspire us to care for Your manifold works in this beautiful world, O Lord, hear us and have mercy.
ALL: Lord Have Mercy (3)
(To be inserted into the Triple Litany on Wednesday, September 1 if there is a Liturgy on that day, and on Sunday, September 5 at the Divine Liturgy.)