Archpastoral Appeal for Disaster Relief

September 27, 2004


To the Very Reverend Protopresbyters, the Very Reverend and Reverend Fathers, and Pious Faithful of our God-Saved Diocese:

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Dear Father and Faithful:

In the last two months, several disastrous hurricanes have ravaged the Florida area and the Gulf coast. Recently, Hurricane Ivan proceeded from the Gulf and badgered the Pittsburgh area with massive flooding.

Many thousands of people have been affected by these grievous storms. Some have perished, many more have been injured. Still more have suffered the loss of their homes and livelihood.

In the wake of these storms, I call upon the faithful of this Diocese to respond to the need of those who suffer in two ways. First, I ask you to seek out anyone whose home has been harmed by the storms, and to offer physical aid. You might offer assistance in cleaning, providing food, comfort and lodging.

Second, I ask each parish of the Diocese to receive a special collection for Hurricane Disaster Relief. These funds should be sent to the Diocesan Chancery no later than November 1st (the check should be made payable to "ACROD," with "2004 Hurricane Relief" noted in the memo line).

Proceeds from this collection will be sent to disaster assistance projects in Florida and in the Pittsburgh areas.

It is important that we, as a Diocese, demonstrate this compassionate ministry to our fellow Americans in this time of great need. Please give freely and generously. In the eyes of our Lord, let us represent our churches as those who quickly, and significantly, care for those who suffer and are in need.

Granting you my Archpastoral blessing, and assuring you of my constant prayers, I remain

Most sincerely yours in Christ,

With prayerful regards, I remain