Press Releases



64 Total Articles

Uzhorod Cathedral of Holy Cross 

Orthodox Christian Fellowship’s College Conference 2015 Shares Christ’s Love with Hundreds of College Students

Wednesday, January 06, 2016

LIGONIER, PA and DUNLAP, CA – From December 28-31, 2015 hundreds of college students gathered for Orthodox Christian Fellowship’s 2015 College Conferences. The theme of the conferences this year was “Modern Martyrs: Witnesses of the Word,” where students discussed how they can be witnesses to Christ on their college campuses and in the secular world. Students also participated in worship, service, and fellowship activities. Three hundred and twenty students attended College Conference East, held at the Antiochian Village in Ligonier, PA. Sister Vassa Larin, nun of ROCOR and liturgist for the University of Vienna was the Keynote Speaker. Workshops were led by V. Rev. Fr. Timothy Hojnicki (OCA); Fr. Alexandros and Pres. Stephanie Petrides (GOA); V. Rev. Fr. Stephen Loposky (ACROD); Dr. Tim Patitsas from Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology; Louis Zagami, Development Officer for IOCC; and Steven Christoforou, Director of the Department of Youth and Young Adult Ministries of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.

Cathedral To Live Broadcast Nativity Services!

Sunday, January 03, 2016

JOHNSTOWN [Christ the Saviour Cathedral] -- The Divine Services of Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (January 6-7, 2016) at Christ the Saviour Cathedral will be live-streamed on the internet. The broadcast schedule is as follows: The Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil The Great - Wednesday January 6, 2016 - 8:00 am. Great Compline - Wednesday January 6, 2016 - 8:00 pm. Hierarchical Divine Liturgy - Wednesday January 6, 2016 - 9:00 pm.

Diocesan Students Take Part In 2015 OCF College Conference East.

Saturday, January 02, 2016

From December 28-31, 2015, the Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) hosted its annual College Conference East at Antiochian Village in Bolivar, PA. This year, 17 of our Diocesan college students were in attendance. College students of many Orthodox jurisdictions from all over the country came together to spend 4 days in prayer, spiritual growth, fellowship, and fun. His Grace, Bishop Gregory, who serves as the Assembly of Bishops's liason to OCF, presided over the conference and spent quality time with the college students.

Archpastoral Letter for the Nativity 2015/2016

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

I greet you with great joy and love in the Name of our Incarnate Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I give thanks to Almighty God by whose grace we have been given the opportunity to celebrate the Birth of His Son. Looking around, we still see hatred, mistrust, violence, suffering, and the absence of peace in our world. This reality of life in this world makes us cry out for God’s help, assistance and intervention. The holy gift of God’s Son at Christmas reveals to us His love and care for all humanity. As human beings, we are awed by the miracle of God becoming man: the divine glory revealed in a child born in poor circumstances, the omnipotent Creator a little baby in His Mother’s arms.

64 Total Articles


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