Schedule of His Grace Bishop Gregory
For February 10- March 3, 2013
JOHNSTOWN, PA -- [Diocesan Chancery] The schedule of His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa for February 1- March 3, 2013 is as follows:
Feb 10 Divine Liturgy Christ the Savior Cathedral, Johnstown, PA
Feb 10 3:00 pm Ecumenical Celebration Blessed Sacrament Cathedral,
Altoona, PA (offering the homily)
Feb 17 Divine Liturgy Christ the Savior Cathedral, Johnstown, PA
Feb 22-23 Orthodox Inter-Seminary Movement Meeting Camp Nazareth, Mercer, PA
Feb 24 Divine Liturgy, Camp Nazareth, Mercer, PA
March 2 OCF Retreat Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Morgantown, WV
March 3 Divine Liturgy Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Church, Morgantown, WV