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Archpastoral Visit to Cheektowaga, NY
On Sunday May 9, 2010, His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas made an Archpastoral visitation to St. Mary's Church in Cheektowaga, NY. His Eminence joined the faithful of the parish in Blessing new icons that were recently installed in the Church and to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of Marriage and Ordination of Fr. Thomas and Pani Linda Kadlec .

Metropolitan Nicholas giving a blessing during the Hierarchichal Divine Liturgy.

Metropolitan Nicholas blessing new hanging lamps.

Metropolitan Nicholas blessing Icon of the Protection

Metropolitan Nicholas bestowing a blessing on Father & Pani

Metropolitan Nicholas with Father, Pani & daughter Jessica

Metropolitan Nicholas with Father Tom, Deacon Don, Seminarians and Altar Boys.

Presentation of roses to Metropolitan Nicholas by Caitlyn Nowak at the fellowship following Liturgy.