Diocesan Parishes To Observe College Student Sunday on Sept 16, 2012
JOHNSTOWN, PA [Diocesan Chancery] -- It's that time of year again and as Orthodox students arrive on college campuses, The Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF )is already in high gear, organizing resources and programs to help our students stay connected to Christ and His Church. On Sunday, September 16th, parishes across North America will be celebrating College Student Sunday and recognizing our college students.
As the last formal point of contact in a chain of sequenced activities designed to launch our children into adulthood, Orthodox Christian Fellowship is a critical ministry. Many of our young people have participated in Orthodox pre-schools, Sunday school, and robust teen activities (youth groups and camps). Upon high school graduation, however, they are put to the test, and forced to face real world challenges without the benefit of family and spiritual support. OCF is on college campuses to make sure our children have a safe and reliable 'home away from home.' Through fellowship with other Orthodox students and a connection to an Orthodox Chaplain, students come together on campus and participate in worship, social activities, educational conferences, such as College Conference, and service projects like Real Break.
Throughout the years our diocese has been actively involved in the campus ministry efforts of OCF, which is the Pan-Orthodox College Ministry of all Canonical Orthodox Dioceses in North America. We are represented on its Board of Trustees.Currently several diocesan priest serve OCF in the capacity of regional and local campus chaplains and as webmaster.
All parishes of the diocese have been requested by the Diocesan Chancery to actively promote College Student Sunday by announcing it in their Sunday Bulletin and from the pulpit. Parish priests and/or a parish college student may wish to make a presentation during the fellowship hour on that Sunday.
As requested by the Bishops of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, parishes are also encouraged to support OCF by becoming a "Parish Partner by taking a special collection on that day, or making a donation from the parish treasury.
All necessary resources to take part in and promote College Student Sunday, including posters, the Encyclical from the Assembly of Bishops, bulletin inserts, donation forms and sample presentation scripts, may be downloaded from the OCF website at