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Graduation Exercises at Christ the Saviour Seminary
On Monday May 16, 2011, Seminarian and Subdeacon Gregory Robel participated in graduation ceremonies at Christ the Saviour Cathedral. Having completed a three year course of study, The Licentiate in Orthodox Theology Degree was conferred upon him by Seminary Dean, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro.
Fr. Joseph Gingrich, who was unable to attend the graduation ceremony due to pastoral responsibilities, also completed his studies and received the Licentiate in Orthodox Theology Degree.
Following the graduation ceremony, a festive dinner was offered in honor of the graduates in the seminary dining hall.
Fr. Joseph Gingrich, who was unable to attend the graduation ceremony due to pastoral responsibilities, also completed his studies and received the Licentiate in Orthodox Theology Degree.
Following the graduation ceremony, a festive dinner was offered in honor of the graduates in the seminary dining hall.

The seminary graduation ceremony took place after the celebration of Daily Vespers in the seminary chapel.

Subdeacon Gregory examines his graduation diploma.

Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro, the Dean of Christ the Saviour Seminary presents Subdeacon Gregory Robel with his graduation diploma as Seminary Prefect, Very Rev. Nikolas Ferencz looks on.

Seminary Graduate Gregory Robel with the Faculty Members of Christ the Saviour Seminary

Seminary Faculty and Student Body with the newly graduated Subdeacon Gregory Robel.

Subdeacon Gregory with the members of his family.

Subdeacon Gregory with his uncle, Very Rev. Protopresbyter John Gido.