Diocesan Youth Apostolate Meets at Holy Protection Monastery

WHITE HAVEN, PA - The members of the Diocesan Apostolate for Youth met today at Holy Protection Greek Orthodox Monastery in  White Haven, PA. The meeting was moderated by Very Rev. Fr. Andrew Fetchina, director of the Diocesan Apostolate For Youth (DAY).

At the meeting the work of the apostolate over the past year was reviewed and plans put in place for the coming months. It was noted, with gratitude, that at the May 2011 Board of Trustees Meeting an annual operating budget for the Diocesan Apostolate For Youth was approved.  This positive development will allow for the continued publication of the bi-monthly Daylight youth newsletter and for additional resources and youth ministry support to be provided within the diocese.

Apostolate members in attendance for the meeting in addition to Very Rev. Fr.  Andrew Fetchina included: Very Rev. Protopresbyters Mark Leasure and Peter Paproski, and the Rev. Fathers Michael  Chendorain and Matthew Moriak.  Participating in the meeting via conference call were apostolate members Very Rev. Protopresbyter Sam Sherry and  Very Rev. Fr. Miles Zdinak.