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Holy Cross Mission Hosts Lenten Retreat
On Saturday March 31, 2012, Holy Cross Orthodox Mission of Columbus, Ohio hosted its first Lenten Retreat. The Very Reverend Protopresbyter Ken Bachofsky, Pastor of St. Nicholas Church (Warren, OH) and Dean of the Youngstown Deanery, served as retreat master. Retreat theme was "Prayer in a Busy Life."
The Pastor of Holy Cross Mission is Rev. Fr. Kevin Greenwood.
The Pastor of Holy Cross Mission is Rev. Fr. Kevin Greenwood.
Very Reverend Protopresbyter Ken Bachofsky, Pastor of St. Nicholas Church (Warren, OH) and Dean of the Youngstown Deanery, served as retreat master for Holy Cross Mission (Columbus, OH) as it hosted its first Lenten retreat. The theme for the day was "Prayer in a Busy Life."
Very Reverend Protopresbyter Ken Bachofsky, Pastor of St. Nicholas Church (Warren, OH) and Dean of the Youngstown Deanery, combined spirituality with humor as he discussed "Prayer in a Busy Life.) Fr. Ken served as retreat master for the first-ever Lenten retreat offered at Holy Cross Mission (Columbus, OH).
Holy Cross Orthodox Mission (Columbus, OH) was filled as parishioners and guests joined to hear the Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky lead a retreat on Saturday, March 31, 2012. 50 people attended the Mission's first retreat.
Parishioners of Holy Cross Mission in Columbus, OH welcomed other Orthodox Christians from as far away as Warren, OH and Sharon, PA for a Lenten Retreat. Among the priests in attendance were (seated left to right): Fr. Mark Lowery, Associate Priest at Holy Cross; Protopresbyter Michael Polanichka; Protopresbyter Ken Bachofsky. Retreat Master; Protopresbyter Paul Herbert; Fr. Kevin Greenwood, Pastor of Holy Cross Mission. Panis Bachofsky, Herbert and Polanichka joined the group, as did Fr. Deacon Edward and Kyra Brisbine of St. Nicholas in Warren.