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Ordination to The Holy Priesthood of Deacon Kenneth Ellis
On Saturday Oct 8, 2011 Deacon Kenneth Ellis was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on behalf of Archbishop Demetrios by His Eminence, Archbishop Anthony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A. at St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church in Perth Amboy, NJ.
The posted photos show scenes from the Ordination Liturgy.
The posted photos show scenes from the Ordination Liturgy.
The Great Censing
The reading of the Epistle.
"May the Lord our God Remember All You Orthodox Christians in His Kingdom....."
Deacon Kenneth Ellis prepares for ordination during the Great Entrance
"Command!" Fr. Deacon Kenneth Ellis prostrates in humility before being led to the Sanctuary for ordination.
Fr. Deacon Kenneth Ellis is led to the sanctuary for ordination by Protodeacon Gregory Benc
Fr. Deacon Kenneth reverences the Archbishop's Epignation
Fr. Deacon Kenneth is led around the altar table by Very Rev. Father Andrew Fetchina
Fr. Kenneth recites the priestly oath of obedience.
The prayer of ordination.
"The Grace Divine which fills that which is imperfect..."
Archbishop Anthony offers words of pastoral encouragement to the newly ordained priest.
Axios! Fr. Kenneth is vested with the Epitrachilion
Axios! - Fr. Kenneth is vested with the zone.
Axios! - Fr. Kenneth is vested in the Phelonion.
Axios! The Pectoral Cross is presented to Fr. Kenneth.
Archbishop Anthony offers the Kiss of Peace to the newly ordained Priest.
Fr. Kenneth takes his place at the Altar Table.
"Receive the Body of Christ."
Archbishop Anthony presents the hand Cross to Fr. Kenneth.
Concelebrating Clergy, Seminarians and Altarboys.
Fr. Kenneth with the members of his family.
Fr. Kenneth with His Eminence, Archbishop Anthony
Parishioners, friends and family members greeted Fr. Kenneth at the veneration of the Cross.