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Archpastoral Visit to Lafayette, IN (10/13/2013)
On October 13, 2013 His Grace Bishop Gregory traveled to Lafayette, Indiana to bless the site where St. Alexis will build their new church! Since we are a mid-west town, our new church will be planted in a soybean field! We look forward to His Grace coming back to visit the completed building! Many Years, Master!
The Posted Photos Show Scenes From the Ground Breaking.
The Posted Photos Show Scenes From the Ground Breaking.

Bishop Gregory travels to the site of the ground breaking.

The site of the ground breaking.

Processing with the Cross.

His Grace with con-celebrating Clergy.

The Ground Breaking Ceremony. (Lafayette, IN) 10/13/2013

St. Alexis Ground Blessing.

Fr. Gregory Allard, Pastor, breaks ground.

The parish faithful join in the ground breaking ceremony.

Even the youngest members of the parish participated.

Blessing the stone that is to be placed at the foot of the cross.

St. Alexis Ground Blessing (Lafayette, IN) 10/13/2013

Planting the Cross

His Grace, blesses the Cross with Holy Water.

The beautiful cross.

Bishop Gregory blessing the children.

The faithful in attendance at the ground breaking.

St. Alexis Ground Blessing (Lafayette, IN) 10/13/2013