Diocesan Lenten Retreats Well Received

JOHNSTOWN, PA -- [Diocesan Chancery]  The Annual Regional Diocesan Lenten Retreats were well received by our Diocesan Faithful.   Held in the eastern, western and central sectors of the diocese, the members of our diocesan family were given the opportunity to retreat from the world for a day and reflect more deeply on their common Christian vocation.

The first retreat took place on March 24, 2012 for the central region at St. Nicholas Orthodox Church in Homestead, PA. Lecturers included  Very Rev. Fr. Jonathan Tobias and Rev. Fr. Matthew Stagon.   View photos.

On Saturday April 1, 2012,  the Eastern and Western Regional retreats took place  at The National Christian Conference Center in Valley Forge, PA and at Holy Transfiguration Parish, Crawfordsville, IN. Fr. Alexis Miller was the main speaker at the Western Regional Retreat and Very Rev. John Brancho, The Rev. Fr. Peter Zarynow and Rev. Deacon Jim Phifer were the presenters at the Eastern Sector Retreat. View Photos from The Eastern Regional Retreat.

Many thanks to the National ACRY for their sponsorship of these informative and spiritually uplifting retreats. Visit www.acry.org to learn more about the National ACRY.  IF you do not have an ACRY chapter in your parish, why not start one today!