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Blessing of Metropolitan Nicholas' Cemetery Memorial
On Sunday May 26, 2012, the newly installed cemetery memorial, honoring His Eminence, Metropolitan +NIcholas was blessed by Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Rosco at St. John'
s Parish Cemetery in Perth Amboy, NJ.
The posted photos show scenes from the blessing ceremony.
s Parish Cemetery in Perth Amboy, NJ.
The posted photos show scenes from the blessing ceremony.

Cross Shrine at St John's Cemetery, Perth Amboy, NJ

"With the Souls of the Righteous Departed...."

"Grant Rest Eternal and Blessed Repose O Lord, to the Soul of Your Ever-Memorable Servant, His Eminence Metropolitan +Nicholas"

"This Memorial is Blessed and Sanctified By the Grace of the Holy Spirit Through the Sprinkling of this Holy Water, In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...."

The Memorial To His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas.

A Close Up View....

Faithful take a moment to share memories of His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas following the blessing of the memorial.