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100th Anniversary of St. Nicholas Church of New Castle, PA
On Sunday Oct 31, 2010, St. Nicholas Orthodox Church of New Castle celebrated the 100th Anniversary of its establishment. Very Rev. Protopresbyter Richard Salley, the pastor of St. Nicholas was joined by the Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky, who represented His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, as well as sons of the parish, the Rev. Fathers Michael Kabel and Robert Teklinski and other visiting clergy.
The posted photos courtesy of Fr. Michael Kabel, show scenes from the Jubilee Liturgy and Banquet.
The posted photos courtesy of Fr. Michael Kabel, show scenes from the Jubilee Liturgy and Banquet.

Church Sign.

The Exterior of St. Nicholas Church

Ringing of the Bells.

Interior of St. Nicholas Church

Epistle Reading

Fr. Michael Kabel, a son of the Parish proclaims the Gospel.

Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky offers the Homily.


"In the Fear of God with Faith and in Love Draw Near!"

The Blessing of the Lord Be upon you...

Fr. Ken Bachofsky offers his congratulations to the parish.

Very Rev. Protopresbyter Richard Salley, Pastor offers remarks at the conclusion of Divine LIturgy.

Veneration of the Cross

Clergy Present along with Very. Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky, Dean of the Youngstown Deanery who represented Metropolitan Nicholas.

Coffee "and" following Liturgy

Banquet Head Table

Mr. Terry Teplica offers remarks at the Jubilee banquet.

Fr. Richard Salley with Fr. Robert and Pani Peggy Teklinski and Fr. Michael and Pani Kelly Kabel.

Fr. Robert Teklinski and Fr. Michael Kabel sons of the parish.

Craig Bowers presented for tonsuring to the order of Reader

Craig Bowers presented for tonsuring to the order of Reader

Reader Craig Bowers being tonsured

Reader Craig Bowers being tonsured

Reader Craig Bowers chants a reading from the Acts of the Holy Apostles


Reader Michael Luciuk is presented for being ordained to the order of Subdiaconate

Reader Michael is ordained to the Subdiaconate by Metropolitan Gregory

Reader Michael is ordained to the Subdiaconate by Metropolitan Gregory

Reader Ephraim Pfeil is presented for being ordained to the order of Subdiaconate

Reader Ephraim is ordained to the Subdiaconate by Metropolitan Gregory

Reader Ephraim is ordained to the Subdiaconate by Metropolitan Gregory

Subdeacons Michael and Ephraim

Reader Craig Bowers is presented for ordination to Subdiaconate

Reader Craig Bowers is ordained to the Subdiaconate by Metropolitan Gregory

Ordination of Subdeacons Michael, Ephraim, and Craig Bowers

Deacon Paul at Great Litany

Children singing "The Thrice-Holy Hymn"

Metropolitan Gregory during homily

Metropolitan Gregory during homily

Metropolitan Gregory during homily

Deacon Paul is presented for the ordination to the Holy Priesthood

Deacon Paul addresses the faithful just prior to his ordination to the Holy Priesthood

Deacon Paul addresses the faithful just prior to his ordination to the Holy Priesthood

The faithful listening to Deacon Paul

"Are you ready to become a priest?" asks Metropolitan Gregory

Ordination of Deacon Paul to the Holy Priesthood

Ordination of Deacon Paul to the Holy Priesthood

Deacon Paul taking a prayerful moment right before his ordination

"For it is testified: You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek" (Hebrews 7:17)

"For it is testified: You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek" (Hebrews 7:17)

"For it is testified: You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek" (Hebrews 7:17)

"For it is testified: You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizedek" (Hebrews 7:17)

The vesting of newly ordained Fr. Paul

The vesting of newly ordained Fr. Paul


The vesting of newly ordained Fr. Paul


The vesting of newly ordained Fr. Paul


The vesting of newly ordained Fr. Paul

Axios! Axios! Axios!

Subdeacon Craig Bowers is presented for ordination to the Diaconate, taking the name of the Apostle Peter.

Subdeacon Craig Bowers is presented for ordination to the Diaconate, taking the name of the Apostle Peter.

Subdeacon Craig Bowers addresses the faithful just prior to his ordination to the Diaconate, taking the name of the Apostle Peter

Subdeacon Craig Bowers addresses the faithful just prior to his ordination to the Diaconate, taking the name of the Apostle Peter

Ordination of Subdeacon Craig Bowers to the Diaconate, taking the name of Apostle Peter

Ordination of Subdeacon Craig Bowers to the Diaconate, taking the name of Apostle Peter

Ordination of Subdeacon Craig Bowers to the Diaconate, taking the name of Apostle Peter

Ordination of Subdeacon Craig Bowers to the Diaconate, taking the name of Apostle Peter

Ordination of Subdeacon Craig Bowers to the Diaconate, taking the name of Apostle Peter

Ordination of Subdeacon Craig Bowers to the Diaconate, taking the name of Apostle Peter

Vesting of the newly ordained Deacon Peter

Vesting of the newly ordained Deacon Peter

Axios! Axios! Axios!

Newly ordained Deacon Peter during Divine Liturgy

Newly ordained Deacon Peter during Divine Liturgy

The faithful receiving Holy Communion

New ordained Fr. Paul and Deacon Peter during the Prayed Before the Ambon