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Fr. Michael Rosco Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
On Saturday April 28, 2012, Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Rosco, Pastor of St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church of Perth Amboy, NJ, celebrated the 40th Anniversary of his Marriage to Pani Susan and his ordination to the Holy Priesthood.
The day began with the blessing of HIs Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, by the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy which was presided over by His Eminence, Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. It was followed by a festive luncheon in the parish hall.
The posted photos show scenes from the Anniversary celebration.
The day began with the blessing of HIs Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, by the celebration of the Hierarchical Divine Liturgy which was presided over by His Eminence, Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA. It was followed by a festive luncheon in the parish hall.
The posted photos show scenes from the Anniversary celebration.
Father Michael Rosco and St. John's Parish Council President await the arrival of His Eminence, Archbishop Antony of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., the main celebrant of the Jubilee Liturgy.
His Eminence, Archbishop Antony was greeted by parish children upon his arrival at St. John's Church.
Lord, Lord, Look down from Heaven and Visit this vineyard which Your Right Hand has planted...."
"It is time to begin the service to the Lord."
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Michael Rosco
Archbishop Antony offers the prayer at the Antiphons.
Archbishop Anthony prays before the Holy Altar.
The Consecration
"Yours of Your Own......"
"Making the Change by the Holy Spirit...."
Archbishop Antony offered the Homily.
Father Michael and Pani Susan listen intently to the Archbishop's Homily.
Archbishop Antony offers the jubilarian the hand cross for veneration.
Father Michael Rosco offers words of gratitude at the conclusion of LIturgy
His Eminence, Archbishop Antony with the Jubilarians and concelebrating clergy from the New York, New Jersey and Washington, DC Deaneries.
Clergy and altarservers who participated in the Divine Liturgy.
His Eminence, Archbishop Antony offers the invocation at the anniversary dinner which followed in the parish hall.
Archbishop Antony offers his personal reflections at the anniversary dinner. His Eminence has been a personal friend of Father Michael and Pani Susan for nearly 40 years.
Father Michael and Pani Susan cut the anniversary cake.