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Feast of The Annunciation at St. Gregory Of Nyssa (3/25/13)
On Monday evening, March 25, 2013, the faithful of St Gregory of Nyssa Orthodox Church of Seaford, NY welcomed His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa to their community for the celebration of the Feast of the Annunciation of the Most-Holy Mother of God.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory presided over the Vesperal Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. Very Rev. Protopresbyter Joseph Fester, host pastor was the main celebrant. He was joined at the altar by clergy from nearby Holy Cross Orthodox Monastery. His Grace, Bishop Gregory delivered the homily.
Following Liturgy, a lenten meal and fellowship took place in the parish hall where His Grace was able to meet the faithful and friends of St. Gregory's parish who were in attendance for the Feast Day celebration.
His Grace, Bishop Gregory presided over the Vesperal Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. Very Rev. Protopresbyter Joseph Fester, host pastor was the main celebrant. He was joined at the altar by clergy from nearby Holy Cross Orthodox Monastery. His Grace, Bishop Gregory delivered the homily.
Following Liturgy, a lenten meal and fellowship took place in the parish hall where His Grace was able to meet the faithful and friends of St. Gregory's parish who were in attendance for the Feast Day celebration.

His Grace, Bishop Gregory of Nyssa is greeted by Very Rev. Protopresbyter Joseph Fester, pastor of St. Gregory's Parish upon his arrival.

His Grace, Bishop Gregory venerates the icon of St. Gregory of Nyssa.

His Grace venerates the icon of the Annnunciation of the Most-Holy Mother of God.

His Grace blesses the faithful.

"Bless the Lord, O My Soul...." Psalm 103 is chanted at the beginning of the Vesperal Liturgy.

The great censing.

The evening prokimen is chanted.

Bishop Gregory, offering the homily.

His Grace, Bishop Gregory presiding at the Episcopal Throne.

"May the Lord God remember all of you Orthodox Christians in His Kingdom" - The Great Entrance

Fr. Joseph and concelebrating clergy praying in the Sanctuary.

His Grace, Bishop Gregory prepares to receive Holy Communion.

His Grace Blessing the Faithful.

"In the fear of God and with faith and love draw near..."

"Receive the Body of Christ...."

His Grace Bishop Gregory with Fr. Sergei Glagolev.

Archimandrite Maximos of Holy Cross Monastery.

Bishop Gregory visits with former classmates of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Seminary during the fellowship which followed Divine Liturgy.

The fellowship meal.

His Grace Bishop Gregory visits with Archpriest Sergei and Matushka Gerry Glagolev.