Seminary Academic Year Begins
With Annual Retreat
JOHNSTOWN, PA -- Students returned yesterday to Christ the Saviour Seminary to begin preparations for the 2012-2013 Academic Year which begins on Monday, September 10, 2012. Today, the seminarians began a two day retreat to prepare their hearts and minds for the sacred work they are about to embark upon. This year's retreat is being led by Very Rev. Fr. Miles Zdinak, the seminary spiritual director.
This year, four new students join the student body.
1st row - Fr. Michael Rustick, priest-in-residence; Proto. Frank P. Miloro; Fr. Miles Zdinak, spiritual director 2nd row - David Urban (St. Nicholas, Homestead), William George (SS. Peter and Paul, Rockaway), Nicholas Mihaly (Holy Trinity, Danbury) 3rd row - Matthew Dutko (St. Michael, Binghamton); Daniel Vaskalis (St. Michael, Freeland); James Janiec (Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Johnstown); William Bennett (St. Michael, Binghamton); George Ellis, St. Michael, Binghamton); and Joseph Birthisel (Christ the Saviour Cathedral, Johnstown)
The mission of Christ the Saviour Seminary is to educate and train Orthodox men for the priesthood of the Orthodox Church, stimulating them to grow intellectually, morally and spiritually, and inspiring them to love and serve God and the Orthodox Church. It also offers theological and spiritual formation in an Orthodox academic atmosphere for men interested in growth in the Orthodox Christian tradition, whether or not the individual is working toward an ordained ministry in the Orthodox Church.