Ordinations to the Holy Diaconate Take Place at Christ the Saviour Cathedral
JOHNSTOWN, PA -- Christ the Saviour Cathedral was blessed by the ordination of two men to the Diaconate by His Eminence Metropolitan Nicholas on the Feast Days of Holy Theophany and the Synaxis of St. John the Baptist.
Subdeacon Charles Ellis of St Michael's Parish of Binghamton, NY was ordained to the Holy Deaconate during the Hierarchical Liturgy of Theophany, Wednesday January 19, 2011 and Subdeacon James Phifer of Holy Ghost Church of Phoenixville, PA at the Festal Liturgy for the Synaxis of St. John the Baptist on Thursday December 20, 2011. The newly ordained deacons were joined by their pastors, family members and parishioners from their respective parishes.
Watch The Video of the Ordination of Fr. Deacon Charles Ellis
Watch The Video of the Ordination of Fr. Deacon James Phifer
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