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Consecration of St. Elizabeth Church, Woodstock GA: Friday June 7, 2013
The joyous occasion of the consecration of St. Elizabeth Orthodox Church of Woodstock, Georgia, by His Grace, Bishop Gregory, took place on the weekend of June 7-8, 2013.
Posted photos show scenes from the arrival of His Grace, Bishop Gregory with the Holy Relics and the Service of Great Vespers on Friday June 7, 2013.
Photos Courtesy of Thomas Mileshko.
Posted photos show scenes from the arrival of His Grace, Bishop Gregory with the Holy Relics and the Service of Great Vespers on Friday June 7, 2013.
Photos Courtesy of Thomas Mileshko.

The Entrance of His Grace, Bishop Gregory into St. Elizabeth's Church with the Holy Relics.

St. Elizabeth Church placing of relics.

Very Rev. Fr. Robert Prepelka, former pastor of St. Elizabeth Church venerates the holy relics.

Deacon James Phifer prays before the Holy Relics.

Fr. Frederick Watson, Pastor of St. Elizabeth Church begins the celebration of Vespers.

His Grace, Bishop Gregory places the relics on the Paten.

The Conclusion of Great Vespers

His Grace offers a few words at the conclusion of the Vespers Service.