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2012 Fall Youth Encounter
The Annual Fall Youth Encounter, sponsored by the National Jr. ACRY took place from Nov 9-11, 2012 at Camp Nazareth. The weekend afforded the youth of the diocese an opportunity to reconnect with the Lord and one another through a weekend filled with prayer, reflection and fellowship.
The posted photos show scenes from the weekend encounter.
The posted photos show scenes from the weekend encounter.
Participants and advisers at Camp Nazareth for the the National Jr. ACRY Encounter.
Participants and advisers at Camp Nazareth for the the National Jr. ACRY Encounter.
Following Morning Prayers and Faith Enrichment, The youth made greetings for the soon to be consecrated Bishop Gregory and cards to go to those recovering from Hurricane Sandy
Showing their love by using their artistic talents.
A competitive game of four square was enjoyed later in the day.
He's got his eye on the ball!
It was a picture perfect day.
Waiting for the ball....
Enjoying the camp grounds...
A game of capture the flag was next on the agenda.
Where's the flag?
Following Vespers the youth enjoyed a campfire and sing a long
Getting ready to sing.....
The camp fire took the chill out of the air...
Friends forever!
Chilling with friends in the pavilion..
Busting some moves at the Dance...
Everyone was out on the dance floor!
The last dance.... then prayers and preparation for Divine Liturgy