Ministries, Programs & Commissions

"And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ, till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ." (Ephesians 4:11-13)
The Diocesan Apostolate for Youth serves as a catalyst or motivator for effective youth ministry on the diocesan, deanery and local parish levels. The Youth Apostolate strives to provide the needed resources for our youth to experience and explore their Orthodox Faith beyond the comfort and safety of their parish communities and families. Learn More>>
Christian Education
The Diocesan Apostolate for Christian Education provides guidance and resources for religious education within the parishes of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA. Through its annual Know Your Faith Educational Conference, it provides teacher training and educational enrichment for religious educators and the faithful of the diocese. Learn More>>
Christian Stewardship
Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a Christ-centered lifestyle, which acknowledges accountability, reverence, and responsibility before God. Orthodox Christian Stewardship is a call to all of the faithful to share willingly and cheerfully the gifts that God has bestowed on them including sharing these gifts for God's work in His Church. Learn More>>
Information Technology and Communications
The Diocesan Apostolate for Information Technology and Communications is responsible for identifying, developing and integrating digital communications and information technologies that are suitable for use within the ministries of the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of the USA. It oversees the development and expansion of the Diocese's presence on the Internet and the World Wide Web. Learn More>>
Altar Boy Retreat Program
The Altar Boy Retreat Program has been existence for more than fifty years. Established by His Eminence, Metropolitan Orestes of Thrice-Blessed Memory, the annual retreat program is designed to foster an awareness of and interest in the vocation of the Holy Priesthood. Learn More>>
Young Women's Encounter Program
The Diocesan Young Women's encounter has been in existence since 2014. Established by His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory, the annual retreat program is designed specifically for our young women to provide them an opportunity to spend time in fellowship with each other, have fun, and pray together. They learn about their faith and to listen for God’s call to each of them to use their unique gifts and abilities. Learn more>>Praying together and reading Scripture together are pillars of a Christ-centered Orthodox Christian family. While families may desire to have these activities in their home, they may not be sure how to start. SPF50 intends to help our families bridge that gap SPF stands for “Scripture, Prayer, Family” and is designed to equip families to read the Scriptures and pray together at home for approximately 50 minutes a month. Learn more>>
Diocesan Boards and Commissions
Diocesan Priests Pension Board
His Eminence, Metropolitan GREGORY of Nyssa, Chairman
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Robert Rebeck, Treasurer
Very Rev. Stephen Loposky, Financial Secretary
Rev. David Mastroberte, Recording Secretary
Attorney Steven Laduzinsky
Vicariate For Diocesan Liturgical Publications and Music
Very. Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro, Chairman
Very Rev. Protopresbyter David Cochran
Very Rev. Fr. James Gleason
Very Rev. Fr. Robert Prepelka
Rev. David Mastroberte
Diocesan Building Commission
Administered From The Diocesan Chancery
Foreign Missions Commission
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Maxym Lysack
Very. Rev. Protopresbyter Luke Mihaly
Diocesan Stewardship Commission
Mr. John Bilanin
Mr. Dan Hromyak
Canonical Advisor
Dr. Lewis Patsavos
Diocesan Education Commission
Very Rev. Stephen Loposky, Supervisor of Schools
Regional Directors
Very Rev Protopresbyter Samuel Sherry, Chicago Deanery
Rev. Fr. David Urban, Pittsburgh -Tri State Deaneries
Very Rev Fr. Tony Joseph, Johnstown Deanery
Rev. Fr. Nathaniel Choma, Pocono and Southern Tier Deaneries
Rev. Fr. Jeff Zias, Mid-Atlantic Deanery
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Luke Mihaly, New England Deanery
Very Rev John R. Pribish, New York-New Jersey Deaneries
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Kenneth Bachofsky, Youngstown Deanery
Rev. Fr. Demetrious Glimidakis, Florida Deanery
Rev. Fr. Matthew Dutko, Washington DC Deanery
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Maxym Lysack, Canadian Deanery
Diocesan Missions and Evangelism Commission
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank P. Miloro
Very Rev. Andrew Fetchina
Rev. James Blomely
Pani Connie Miloro
Diocesan Carpatho-Rusyn Heritage Working Group (DCRHWG)
Ms. Maria Korchak, Chairwoman
Ms. Alexa Petrick, Secretary
Pani Ileana Bennett
Ms. Maggie Conjelko
Ms. Sophia Timko
Ms. Anna Korchak
Ms. Alexandra Benc
Orthodox Agencies and Organizations
Orthodox Christian Education Commission (OCEC)
The Very Rev. Fr. Stephen Loposky
Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC)
The Very Rev. Protopresbyter Maxym Lysack
The Very Rev. Protopresbyter Luke Mihaly
Orthodox Christian Fellowship Campus Ministry (OCF)
The Very Rev. Miles Zdinak
Orthodox Christians for Life
The Very Rev. Dr. Edward Pehanich