2024 Nativity Fast Prayer Challenge

The Challenge
This year, just like last nine years during the Nativity season, Metropolitan Gregory has offered a challenge to all of the clergy and faithful and especially the youth and young adults of the Diocese to strengthen their spiritual lives.
And the challenge is:
To offer a special prayer for peace during evening prayers. A similar prayer will be offered at each Divine Liturgy during the Nativity Fast. The text of these prayers are included below.
Each household should have sufficient copies so that each young person that can read has one by their bed to use nightly and those who are too young to read may say this prayer together with their parents before they go to bed. Of course all adults should join the challenge as well so that all together our prayers will reach our Lord’s ears.
A Message From Metropolitan Gregory
Protocol No. 6/2024
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Dear Beloved Clergy and Laity of our God-Protected Diocese,
Glory to Jesus Christ!
Today we see our world spinning out of control. Violence, poverty, hatred, drug overdoses, homelessness, theft and senseless killings are all increasing. We are at the brink of a World War with conflicts in Ukraine, the Holy Lands in the Middle East and other places around the planet raging. From the very beginning as God fearing people we have been praying for the Lord's help. In all of our Divine Liturgies additional petitions and prayers have been offered. And yet the struggle continues around the world. I believe we must intensify our prayers. If we are feeling like we are sinking because we are overwhelmed in our home life, work life, school life or even our social life (including social media and technology) we must be like Peter. He was walking on the water towards Jesus and when he became distracted by the winds and waves, he began to sink. Peter cried out, "Lord, save me!" (Matthew 14:30) and Jesus Christ reached down and pulled him out of the stormy sea. We too are sinking and need to cry out "Lord, save me!"
Archpastoral Letter for the Nativity Fast 2024 PDF Format
Prayer Sheet - Home Use
Prayer For Peace - Evening Prayers Full Sheet PDF Format
Prayer For Peace - Evening Prayers JPG Format
Prayer For Peace Post Card Size PDF Format
Divine Liturgy Petition
Special Petition - Litany of Fervent Supplication PDF Format
Spread The Peace and Love of The Nativity
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