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Pastoral Visit to St. Nectarios Church Lakeland, FL (11/24/19)
On the weekend of November 23-24. 2019, His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory made a pastoral visit to St. Nectarios Orthodox Church in Lakeland, Florida.
During Divine Liturgy His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory bestowed the honor of wearing the pectoral cross upon the priest, Fr. Demetrious Glimidakis, in recognition of his five years of service as a priest.
Posted photos show scenes from the first Divine Liturgy celebrated at St. Nectarios Church by Metropolitan Gregory on Sunday, November 24, 2019.
View Photos From Great Vespers Here:
During Divine Liturgy His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory bestowed the honor of wearing the pectoral cross upon the priest, Fr. Demetrious Glimidakis, in recognition of his five years of service as a priest.
Posted photos show scenes from the first Divine Liturgy celebrated at St. Nectarios Church by Metropolitan Gregory on Sunday, November 24, 2019.
View Photos From Great Vespers Here:
Prior to Divine LIturgy, Parish Council President, Natalie Pope, welcomed His Eminence, Metropolitan Bishop Gregory to the parish with the traditional gifts of bread and salt.
Fr. Demetrious Glimidakis, host pastor offered words of welcome to His Eminence, Metropolitan Gregory as he offered him the hand cross as Very Rev. Fr. Michael Miklos looks on.
Fr. Demetrious censing Metropolitan Gregory at the Great Censing prior to the start of Divine Liturgy.
The Small Entrance.
Seminarian John Bonnewitz-Coffey chanting the Epistle Reading.
Fr. Demetrious proclaims the Gospel.
Bishop Gregory offering the Homily.
Blessing the faithful.
"Peace be unto all!"
Fr. Michael receives the Eucharist from the Hands of Metropolitan Gregory.
Fr. Demetrious receives the Most Precious Blood of our Lord from Metropolitan Gregory.
"In the fear of God and with faith and love come forward!"
"Receive the Body of Christ!"
Metropolitan Gregory offers the final blessing at Divine Liturgy.
Stavrophorus Service: His Eminence Metropolitan Bishop Gregory bestows the silver pectoral cross to Fr. Demetrious Glimidakis
Stavrophorus Service: The Silver Cross is placed upon Fr. Demetrious Glimidakis
Stavrophorus Service: His Eminence Metropolitan Bishop Gregory bestows the silver pectoral cross upon Fr. Demetrious Glimidakis
Metropolitan Gregory with Fr. Demetrious Glimdakis and Very Rev. Fr. Michael Miklos.
Metropolitan Gregory with the faithful of St. Nectarios Parish.
Metropolitan Gregory with Parish Altar Servers.
Metropolitan Gregory cutting a cake presented in his honor.
Metropolitan Gregory with parish children who presented him with flowers.
"Let the children come unto Me!"