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Canonical Visitation To Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, Spring Hill Florida (Sunday May 24, 2009)
Spring Hill, FL -- His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas, provided one bright spot in an otherwise cloudy and soggy week of unrelenting rain in usually sunny Florida when he visited Holy Trinity Church in Spring Hill, Fla., on Sat., May 23, 2009.
During the visit, Metropolitan Nicholas presided over the celebration of a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy, assisted by Presbyter Michael Shuster, pastor of the parish, and Very Rev. Michael Miklos, dean of Florida parishes, with numerous parishioners and communicants in attendance. During the service, he blessed the new icons in the church’s iconostasis and awarded a diocesan hramota (certificate of recognition and appreciation) to parishioner John DeMay, the craftsman who designed and built the church’s hand-carved icon screen in memory of his wife Olga. Afterwards, he joined members and friends of the parish for a tasty lunch of East European home cooking at a local restaurant owned and operated by Orthodox Christians, where he shared some words of encouragement with everyone present before his departure.
Metropolitan Nicholas’ visit also brought the parish some media attention, with a substantial newspaper article in the widely circulated St. Petersburg Times. An online edition of the article is available here: www.tampabay.com/news/religion/article1003489.ece.
The timing of Metropolitan Nicholas’ visit was especially uplifting and inspiring for Holy Trinity Church, as the parish is gearing up to celebrate its 30th anniversary this year. In conjunction with that milestone, the parish has embarked on a number of future-minded church renewal and growth initiatives, include a new attractive, comprehensive website; better newspaper advertising and public relations; upgrades to the church building and parish grounds; and an accent on philanthropy and community outreach, with year-round collection of food, clothing, hygiene products and art supplies for children, women and men helped at a local domestic violence shelter.
Anyone visiting or moving to Hernando County, Fla., is more than welcome to join Holy Trinity Church for worship, fellowship and growth in Christ. For more information, visit the parish website online at htoc-fl.org.
During the visit, Metropolitan Nicholas presided over the celebration of a Hierarchal Divine Liturgy, assisted by Presbyter Michael Shuster, pastor of the parish, and Very Rev. Michael Miklos, dean of Florida parishes, with numerous parishioners and communicants in attendance. During the service, he blessed the new icons in the church’s iconostasis and awarded a diocesan hramota (certificate of recognition and appreciation) to parishioner John DeMay, the craftsman who designed and built the church’s hand-carved icon screen in memory of his wife Olga. Afterwards, he joined members and friends of the parish for a tasty lunch of East European home cooking at a local restaurant owned and operated by Orthodox Christians, where he shared some words of encouragement with everyone present before his departure.
Metropolitan Nicholas’ visit also brought the parish some media attention, with a substantial newspaper article in the widely circulated St. Petersburg Times. An online edition of the article is available here: www.tampabay.com/news/religion/article1003489.ece.
The timing of Metropolitan Nicholas’ visit was especially uplifting and inspiring for Holy Trinity Church, as the parish is gearing up to celebrate its 30th anniversary this year. In conjunction with that milestone, the parish has embarked on a number of future-minded church renewal and growth initiatives, include a new attractive, comprehensive website; better newspaper advertising and public relations; upgrades to the church building and parish grounds; and an accent on philanthropy and community outreach, with year-round collection of food, clothing, hygiene products and art supplies for children, women and men helped at a local domestic violence shelter.
Anyone visiting or moving to Hernando County, Fla., is more than welcome to join Holy Trinity Church for worship, fellowship and growth in Christ. For more information, visit the parish website online at htoc-fl.org.
Metropolitan Nicholas blesses new icons on the church's iconostasis.
"May the Lord God remember all you Orthodox Christians..."
Metropolitan Nicholas awarded a hramota to Mr. John DeMay, the parishioner who designed and built the church's iconostasis
Metropolitan Nicholas preaches the homily during the Hierarchal Divine Liturgy
Metropolitan Nicholas shares a few words of encouragement, shepherd to flock, at the end of the luncheon.
More of the Parish Faithful Enjoying the Fellowship Meal.
Scenes from the Fellowship Meal that Followed Divine Liturgy