Diocesan Photo Gallery
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Ordination to The Holy Priesthood of Fr. Andrew Gromm
On Wednesday October 14, 2009 on the Feast of the Protection of the Theotokos, Deacon Andrew Gromm was ordained to the Holy Priesthood through the Laying on of Hands by His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas at Christ The Saviour Cathedral . The Posted Photos Show Scenes from the Hierarchal Liturgy and the Ordination of Fr. Andrew.
Fr. Deacon Gaius Receives His Final Blessing From His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas to Serve As Deacon
Deacon Gaius Receives the Blessing to Begin Censing the Church.
Reader Christopher Chants the Epistle
The Great Entrance
"Command..." Deacon Gaius Prostrates Before the Solea
"O Holy Martyrs..." Deacon Gaius is Led Around the Altar by Protodeacon John Youhas
Deacon Gaius Professes The Creed Prior to His Ordination to the Holy Priesthood
The Laying on Of Hands By His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas
"The Grace Divine Fills That Which is Imperfect..."
Axios! - Fr. Andrew is Vested in the Priestly Stole
Newly Ordained Priest Andrew Gromm Exchanges the Kiss of Peace with His Eminence, Metroplitan Nicholas.
"After He Had Come and Fulfilled All These Things on the Night in Which He was Betrayed, or Rather Gave Himself Up For the Life of the World..."
"Take and Eat, This is My Body...."