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Holy Week & Pascha 2010 at Christ the Saviour Cathedral
The Posted Photos Show Scenes From the Divine Services of Holy Week and Pascha at Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Johnstown, PA.
Johnstown Deanery Priests Hold the Gospel Book as His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas Offers the Final Prayer of the Holy Unction Service on Holy Wednesday Evening.
His Eminence Offers a Brief Homily At the Conclusion of the Holy Wednesday Unction Service.
"The Servant of God, the Priest Miles is Annointed for the Healing of Soul and Body and the Forgiveness of Sins"
His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas prepares new Antimension Cloths during the Holy Thursday Vesperal LIturgy of St. Basil the Great.
His Eminence, Metropolitan Nicholas reads one of the Passion Gospels during the Matins Service For Holy Friday
Very Rev. Protopresbyter Frank Miloro, Cathedral Dean reads one of the Passion Gospels.
Metropolitan Nicholas Washes the Feet of Seminarians in imitation of the Lord during the Ritual of the Washing of the Feet
"The Most Excellent Way of Humility...."
The Gospel Reading at Vespers of Holy Friday.
The Altar Servers led the way in the procession.
Cathedral Children participate in the Holy Friday Procession.
Even the youngest children participated in the procession.
Fr. Frank and Protodeacon John Carry the Shroud of Our Lord in Procession around the Church.
The Shroud is placed into the tomb of Our Lord.
Protopresbyter Frank Miloro Places Gospel Book in the Tomb of Our Lord.
Standing Guard at our Lord's Tomb on Holy Saturday
"When You Descended to Death of Life Immortal..."
The altarboys lead the way.
The procession begins.
These children are happy to take part in the procession.
Reading of the Resurrection Gospel on the Porch of the Cathedral.
"Glory to the Holy Consubstantial LIfe Creating Trinity..."
"Christ is Risen from the dead..."
Paschal Stichira.
All Enjoyed Receiving a Mini-Paska Bread at the End of Paschal Divine Liturgy.
Pani Constance Miloro Explains the Rules for the Annual Egg Hunt following the Paschal Divine Liturgy