Great Lent

O Almighty Lord, who hast made all created things in wisdom, and by Your inexpressible providence and great goodness has brought us to these all-holy days, for the purification of body and soul, for the controlling of carnal passions, and for the hope of the Resurrection; who, during the forty days  gave to Your  servant Moses, the Tablets of the Law in characters Divinely written by You;  Enable us also, O Good One, to fight the good fight; to complete the course of the Fast; to preserve inviolate the Faith; to crush under foot the heads of invisible serpents; to be victorious over sin; and uncondemned to attain unto and adore Your Holy Resurrection. For blessed and glorified is Your all-honorable and majestic Name: of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen. The Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, St. Gregory the Great

Articles and Reflections


Links From Other Orthodox Sources

Diocesan Youth and Adult Retreat Schedule

Diocesan Lenten Resource Page

On Line Lenten Triodion

2025 Psalter Reading Guide  (Read Complete Psalter During Great Lent) (PDF Format)

Greek Orthodox Archdiocese Lenten Resource Page

St John Chrysostom: On Fasting

Lent Guides for Families

Recommended Further Reading

Click Here for Recommended Lenten Reading