Orthodoxy At College
Orthodox Churches Near College Campuses
Parish Directory for All Orthodox Churches in America. Click on the Nearby Parishes link and Enter the Zip Code of your College or University to locate the nearest Orthodox Parish.
Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF)
The Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF) is the official Orthodox campus ministry effort in the United States. and Canada. This organization ministers to all Orthodox Christan's in College no matter what Orthodox Diocese they are from.. There are OCF Chapters in many Orthodox Colleges and Universities in the USA. The purpose of the OCF is to act as a support system for Orthodox College Students. They sponsor many different social and spiritual activities, and often arrange for transportation to divine services at local Orthodox Churches. When you are in college find out if there is an OCF on campus. If not, why not start a Chapter!
Locate OCF Chapters in USA and Canada
Searchable database for finding an OCF chapter in the USA and Canada.
The OCF each year sponsors mission trips throughout the USA and the world during Spring Break Vacation.
Short Term/Summer Mission Trip (OCMC)
Each year the Orthodox Christian Mission Center, a Pan-Orthodox missionary agency, sponsors short term mission trips during Summer vacation. An excellent opportunity for a college student to participate in service projects and evangelization in foreign lands.