The prokimen of Matins, hlas 1.
A: The znamennyj chant according to the Russian Obichods.

B: The "Kiev" chant according to the Russian Obichods.

C: The chant of the Kijevo-pecerska Lavra (the Monastery of the Caves in Kiev), from the Obichod of 1910.

D: From the printed Irmologion, Lviv, 1709.

E: From the printed Irmologion, Pocajev, 1794, and Lviv, 1904.

F: The prokimen of the Liturgy, from Dolnyckij's Hlaspopisnec, Lviv, 1894.

G: From Vasylijanski cerkovni napivy, Rome, 1961.

H: From Polotnuk's Napivnyk, Przemysl', 1902

I: From Bokzaj's Cerkovnoje prostopinije, Uzhorod, 1906.

J: From Choma's Prostopinije, Mukacevo, 1930.

K: The extended tone for Boh Hospod' in the znamennyj version of the Russian Obichods.

L: The extended tone for Boh Hospod' in the version of the Western Ukrainian Irmologia.
The Carpatho-Rusyn versions (I and J) are closest to the Irmologion of 1709 and to Polotn'uk's version.
The opening melodic phrase is the same as that of the
samohlasen tone of hlas 1.

Next: The Samohlasen tones