Carpathos-Rusyn Christmas Carols and Hymns

“Christmas & Easter” by St. Michael’s GreekCatholic Church A Capella Choir. Binghamton, NY 

“Traditional Slavic Carols” Sung in Slavonic and English bySaint John’s American Carpatho-Russian Male Chorus, Bridgeport, CT. 

“Christmas Hymns Of The Carpatho Russian People” from S.S Peter And Paul Orthodox Greek Catholic Church Choir, Windber, Pennsylvania.   


The above lbums are part of the DCRHWG’s music digitization project. Please contact Maria Korchak at if you have Carpatho Rusyn Prostopinije/Plain Chant or ACROD Choral recordings that you would like digitized and uploaded onto music streaming platforms to allow for widespread digitization. 

*Please contact Maria if you have the original records/albums of the St. Michael's or St. John's recordings. We would like to archive the original artwork from the record sleeves. *

Follow future digital releases from the Diocesan Carpatho Rusyn Heritage Working Group on Spotify by clicking here

Diocesan Nativity Eve Vigil Service

acrod · Hymns from the Vigil of the Nativity of Christ


Christmas Carols

acrod · Christmas Carols - Plain Chant