St Michaels of Binghamton Christmas-Easter Hymns Album


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Album Sleeve/Additional Recording Details


St. Michael’s Greek Catholic Church

Binghamton, NY


Very. Rev. Msgr. Stephen Dutko – Pastor

Edward Sedor – Choir director

Photography – Fr. Jim Dutko

Album Design – Jes Cron

This recording is a reproduction of the classic recording from 1966.


  1. Jasna Zorja
  2. Rozdestvo Tvoje
  3. Slava v Vyšnich Bohu
  4. S’nami boh
  5. Divnaja Novina
  6. Nebo I Zemla
  7. Tri Carije
  8. Spas Nas Narodilsja
  9. Boh Sja Razdaje
  10. Viflejemi Novina
  11. Porodila Maria
  12. Boh Predvicnyi
  13. Radost Nam Sja Javljaje
  14. Vidi Boh
  15. Roždestvo Tvoje


  1. Nyni Otpuscajesi
  2. Pokajanija
  3. Jehda Na Strast’
  4. O Isuse Poraenyj
  5. Pod Tvoju Milost
  6. Stradl’na Mati


  1. Christos Voskrese
  2. Plotiju Usnuv
  3. Jelicy Vo Christa
  4. Jelicy Vo Christa
  5. Christ Is Risen
  6. Christos Anesti
  7. Christos Voskrese
  8. Christos Voskrese
  9. Anjel Vopijase – Svitijsja
  10. Christos Voskrese
  11. Christos Voskrese

Solo on Pod Tvoju Milost: Miss Helen Selanich

Priest’s Chant: Msgr. Dutko