Listing of Movable Feasts

TriodionFeb 05Feb 25Feb 09Feb 01
Meatfare SundayFeb 19Mar 10Feb 23Feb 15
Cheesefare SundayFeb 26Mar 17Mar 02Feb 22
Great Lent BeginsFeb 27Mar 18Mar 03Feb 23
Sunday of OrthodoxyMar 05Mar 24Mar 09Mar 01
Lazarus SaturdayApr 08Apr 27Apr 12Apr 04
Palm SundayApr 09Apr 28Apr 13Apr 05
Holy FridayApr 14May 03Apr 18Apr 10
Pascha / EasterApr 16May 05Apr 20Apr 12
AscensionMay 25Jun 13May 29May 21
PentecostJun 04Jun 23Jun 08May 31
Apostles Fast BeginsJun 12Jul 01Jun 16Jun 08
Apostles Fast Duration30 days11 days26 days34 days

Note: The Holy Apostles Fast duration varies every year. It begins on the Monday following Sunday of All Saints and ends on July 12th. Thus it may last from 8 days - if Easter falls on May 8th - to 42 days - if Easter falls on April 4th.

You are viewing dates according to the Old Calendar. View the New Calendar. Note: the main difference between the two calendars is the duration of the Apostles Fast.

This year, Holy Pascha was celebrated on May 5th. In 2025, Holy Pascha will be celebrated on April 20th.

See when the Date of Pascha falls in another year: