Stewardship Campaign


Dear ACRY Members, Spiritual Advisors, Chapter Presidents, and Members of our God-saved Diocese,

Glory be to Jesus Christ!

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”
(Matthew 5:16)

The National Senior ACRY is continuing its annual Stewardship Campaign, the sixth iteration. I am grateful for the continued efforts and contributions from those throughout the diocese. Our efforts continue as we strive to reach this year’s goal of $10,000!

For anyone unfamiliar with this effort, the Stewardship Campaign was created during the 2018 National ACRY Convention. At that time, our members voted to replace the individual chapter donations for the scholarship, publication, campership, and other funds with one large fund drive campaign to take place during the Advent season.

Much like last year, the campaign will make an impact on the furtherance of spiritual growth and scholastic opportunity for our diocesan youth. We are proud to provide scholarships for the young adults of our Diocese, host Lenten retreats, support Camp Nazareth, and much more.  I am fortunate enough to have both experienced and observed the impact that the stewardship campaign can make. It excites me to know that others will experience the support that I did while in college,  as well as being able to see the impact that can be noticed at Camp.

I encourage you all to spread the word of the ACRY to friends and family who may benefit from it’s events and efforts.  The National ACRY is truly the philanthropic arm of our Diocese, and this campaign is a shining example of the good that can come from all of us working together to make a difference.

Once again, thank you for your continued efforts. I look forward to seeing you all at the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend event in Johnstown. For more details on the Stewardship Campaign, feel free to reach out via email,

Yours in Christ,

Josef  Samilenko National Vice President
& National ACRY Stewardship Campaign Committee

How Your Chapter/ Parish Can Help

Here are some ideas on fundraisers and events to help individual chapters raise money for this campaign:

• Food or candy sale
• Special collecting during Divine Liturgy
• Hosting coffee social
• Work with employers to match chapter contributions
• Basket raffle, Chinese Auction, or 50/50
• Host a spaghetti dinner, breakfast, etc.
• Like and follow the campaign on the ACRY Facebook Page



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2024-2025  Stewardship Campaign

fundraising thermometer

Making A Donation 

Individual and chapter donations for the Stewardship Campaign should be sent to:

Danielle Bartko
National ACRY Financial Secretary
600  Fourth Avenue
Bridgeville, PA  15017


Checks should be made payable to National ACRY with Stewardship Campaign in the memo line.

Donations should be postmarked by February 15th.

How Your Contributions Will Benefit Those in Need 

• Scholarships
• Camp Nazareth
• Ambassador Fund
• Lenten Retreats
• Youth Conferences

Marketing Materials For Chapters and Parishes. 

Campaign Banner Full Color (jpg)
Campaign Donation Banner - Full Color(pdf)


Please contact Joe Samilenko, National ACRY Vice President at  with any questions regarding the National ACRY Stewardship Campaign.