St. John the Compassionate Mission

st John the Compassionate mission header

Candle in St Silouan Mission Church

St. John the Compassionate Mission is an Apostolate of the Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese  of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople. Established in 1987, St. John's Mission works in co-operation with the local Orthodox churches of Greater Toronto, to serve anyone in physical and spiritual need.

In fulfilling  their calling to assist those in need, St. John the Compassionate provides physical and spiritual food five days a week at its modern kitchen and dining facilities and the Chapel of St. Silouan the Athonite.  The chapel of St. Silouan is the heartbeat of the community as the rhythm of daily prayer nourishes and sustains us as we labor to do the work of Christ.   St Silouan Chapel also serves as a mission parish for those seeking a transnational expression of Orthodox Christianity in the Greater Toronto region.

stjohn's bakery

The Mission also owns and operates a bakery and a thrift store which employs the poor and disadvantaged.

Most recently, the mission has expanded its outreach  through the establishment of an internship program, known as the Lived Theology School . The aim of this  intern/live-in volunteer program is  to teach and train interns in both the theological and practical understanding of Orthodox mission, so that the participants may more effectively minister to those in need in their local community.


 St. John the Compassionate Mission 

 Rev. Nicholas Atitenei

 155 Broadview Avenue,
Toronto, Ontario M4M 2E9 Canada

Phone: (416) 466-5877
Fax: 416 466 3517

