Cathedral "Trivia Night" November 22, 2014
Trivia Night is fast approaching and there are many ways, large and small, that you can help get ready for that important event. Please feel free to do any or all of the items listed below.
Ticket Sales: Tickets can be gotten from Fr. Robert, Susan Mesko, Ann Yurcisin, and Susan Kalcik. Please take a ticket form to fill out for the tickets you sell. Forms are on the Trivia table in the church hall. The forms can be turned in to any of the above and the payment to Mike Fetsko. Be sure to mark the payment for Trivia.
Cookies: The tables will be named for cookies. Sign up on the cookie list which is on the Trivia table and put your cookies in the Cookie (Monster) Box.
Wine and Wine Glass: We will again chance off bottles of wine with accompanying wine glasses. Donations can be put in the wine box.
Soda: We would appreciate donations of name brand cola and lemon-lime soda including diet versions. These can be put in the soda box.
Money Tree: Donations are being accepted for a “Money Tree” please see Barbara Martyak.
Raffle Baskets and Items: These donations can be placed on the benches near the Trivia table. The best time to make any of these donations is on Sunday morning. We will see that they are transported to the Ed. Center. If you have any questions please call Susan Kalcik 255-5517, Father Robert 539-8086, or Ann Yurcisin 254-4236. Many, many thanks for your help.